Simplifying PostgreSQL enum migrations with SQLAlchemy and alembic-enums
Working with Django reminds me how much less painful enums could be if they were represented by VARCHAR fields at the database level and enforced by Django models at the application level.
Inspired by this, in my next SQLAlchemy model, I used the ChoiceType from the sqlalchemy-utils package. Actually, I combined it with Tiangolo’s SQLModel, and the development experience was quite nice.
from enum import auto, StrEnum
import sqlalchemy as sa
from sqlalchemy_utils import ChoiceType
from sqlmodel import Field, Relationship, SQLModel
class Status(StrEnum):
STARTED = auto()
ACCEPTED = auto()
REJECTED = auto()
REFUSED = auto()
class Issue(SQLModel, table=True):
status: Status = Field(
sa_column=sa.Column(ChoiceType(Status), nullable=False),
It’s a simple VARCHAR field that is enforced by the model. It’s not as efficient as the native enum type, but it’s much easier to work with.
If you still need to support real enums in PostgreSQL, read on.
PostgreSQL enum types migration is not straightforward, and Alembic, the SQLAlchemy migration tool, does not properly support them. I have created a Python package that simplifies the migration of PostgreSQL enums by wrapping a sequence of SQL commands with a Pythonic interface that is easier to understand.
If you are aware of the problem and looking for a solution, you can find the package on PyPI at alembic-enums . The package README provides a step-by-step usage guide and an API overview.
If you want to learn more about the problem, read on.
In PostgreSQL, enums are user-defined types that do not allow the deletion or modification of their fields. To work around this issue, people often create a new enum and reassign fields to a new array.
The StackOverflow question python - How to use Enum with SQLAlchemy and Alembic? - Stack Overflow offers different but similar solutions to this problem.
Additionally, Kamil Kucharski provides a clear and straightforward explanation of the challenge in his blog post Upgrading PostgreSQL’s Enum type with SQLAlchemy using Alembic migration .
The TLDR version of the challenge is as follows (taken from the aforementioned blog post).
Adding an enum element is straightforward:
Deleting it, however, requires more steps.
ALTER TYPE status RENAME TO status_old;
ALTER TABLE transactions
ALTER COLUMN status TYPE status
USING status::text::status;
DROP TYPE status_old;
Things become even more complicated when you want to rename a field. If you want to rename a field from REJECTED to REFUSED, you need to create a temporary ENUM with both fields to update the rows.
ALTER TYPE status RENAME TO status_old
CREATE TYPE status_temp AS
ALTER TABLE transactions
ALTER COLUMN status TYPE status_temp
USING status::text::status_temp;
UPDATE transactions SET status = 'REFUSED'
WHERE status = 'REJECTED';
ALTER TABLE transactions
ALTER COLUMN status TYPE status
USING status::text::status;
DROP TYPE status_old;
DROP TYPE status_temp;
These steps require a lot of mental effort and are too many to be practical. To make it easier and allow myself to iterate faster on my codebase, I wrapped these SQL commands with a Pythonic interface that can be called from an Alembic migration script.
The SQL script above would be transformed into the following Alembic script:
from alembic import op
from alembic_enums import EnumMigration, Column
column = Column("transactions", "status")
enum_migration = EnumMigration(
old_options=["STARTED", "ACCEPTED", "REJECTED"],
new_options=["STARTED", "ACCEPTED", "REFUSED"],
def upgrade():
with enum_migration.upgrade_ctx():
enum_migration.update_value(column, "REJECTED", "REFUSED")
def downgrade():
with enum_migration.downgrade_ctx():
enum_migration.update_value(column, "REFUSED", "REJECTED")
The package does not automatically detect enum changes or generate migration code, but it provides a helper class to run enum migrations in Alembic migration scripts.
If you find the package helpful, please consider starring the GitHub repository at imankulov/alembic-enums . I would appreciate it if you showed your appreciation for my work.