Roman Imankulov

Roman Imankulov

Full-stack Python web developer from Porto

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Python project

Here is a starter for a Python project. It can be used as the next step after creating the boilerplate with cookiecutter-python-project


  • deescovery for dynamic discovery of modules
  • python-dotenv for loading environment variables from .env and .env.<environment> files (e.g., .env.development)
  • click for creating CLI commands
  • Optionally, IPython for interactive shell

File myproject/


The module doesn't depend on the project. The configuration file is initialized
with python-dotenv, and we don't read environment variables in the rest of the

What can import?

The module doesn't import anything from the project.

Who can import

The module is imported by the to create services. It can also be imported in
the other parts of the application: for example, to get access to PROJECT_ROOT, or to
create project-specific services from requisites, provided in the config.
import os
import pathlib

import dotenv

PROJECT_ROOT = pathlib.Path(__file__).parents[1]
ENVIRONMENT = os.getenv("ENVIRONMENT", "development")

config = {
    **dotenv.dotenv_values((PROJECT_ROOT / ".env").as_posix()),
    **dotenv.dotenv_values((PROJECT_ROOT / f".env.{ENVIRONMENT}").as_posix()),

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Server configuration
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
HOST = config.get("HOST", "")
PORT = int(config.get("PORT") or 5000)
STATIC_ROOT = "/static"

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Sentry settings
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Set SENTRY_DSN to a non-empty value to enable Sentry.
SENTRY_DSN = config.get("SENTRY_DSN")
SENTRY_ENVIRONMENT = config.get("SENTRY_ENVIRONMENT") or "development"

File myproject/


The module provides a "registry" or "service locator" for other modules of the
application. It may initialize stub objects for extensions, that are configured
inside the later on.

What can import?

The module doesn't import anything from the project.

Who can import

The module is imported by different modules across the project, as necessary.
# FastAPI example
from fastapi import FastAPI

fastapi_app = FastAPI()

File myproject/


The module is used to initialize the main project: load configuration and
initialize services.

What can import?

Services, configuration, and everything that is needed to initialize application,
including controllers and models inside apps. In other words, depends on
a lot of things in the project.

Who can import

The module is not imported from anywhere except from a WSGI/ASGI server in
production, and for pytest.
from importlib import import_module

from deescovery import ModuleRule, discover
from deescovery.matchers import MatchByPattern

from myproject import config

api_loader = ModuleRule(
    name="FastAPI API endpoints loader",

def init(**kwargs):
    discover("myproject", rules=[api_loader])

def update_config(kwargs):
    """Override values of the myproject.config.

    Helpful for tests, when we need to dynamically override some settings.
    for k, v in kwargs.items():
        setattr(config, k, v)


#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Management script."""
import datetime
from typing import Iterable, List

import click
from IPython import embed

from myproject import app
def cli():

def shell():
    """Open IPython console."""

if __name__ == "__main__":
Roman Imankulov

Hey, I am Roman, and you can hire me.

I am a full-stack Python web developer who loves helping startups and small teams turn their ideas into products.

More about me and my skills